Our Transition Year Programme is a unique one-year programme and promotes the personal, social, technical and educational development of students, preparing them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society.

Transition Year provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition towards the more independent learning environment associated with Senior Cycle. Transition Year encourages the development of a wide range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.

At Coláiste Fionnchua, our Transition Year programme offers work experience opportunities, as well as real-life business and enterprise projects. We organise special trips and visits, and visiting speakers who work directly with our Transition Year group. Assessment in Transition Year is based on project work and portfolios, and students are encouraged to lead and improve their own learning through regular feedback on their work.


The Transition Year programme includes the following study areas:

  1. Art, Craft and Design
  2. Careers
  3. Construction
  4. Development Education
  5. English
  6. Enterprise Education and Mini-Company
  7. Friends for Life
  8. Home Economics
  9. Irish
  10. Mathematics
  11. Modern Languages
  12. Music
  13. Physical Education
  14. Sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science.
  15. Social Education and Leadership
  16. Wellbeing
  17. Volunteering
  18. Young Social Innovators & DCMUN