School News

Students were informed that teachers will schedule daily work via OneNote and email for their classes and expect this work to be completed to the highest of standards.

All students have responsibilities towards their studies and academic work during the period of the school closure. It is important that parents/guardians oversee the students’ working days and examine the work they produce. Students are advised to approach each day in a similar timeframe as their school day.

Furthermore, many 6th and 3rd year students will also have significant state examinations coursework that will require their attention. Every student should return with all their coursework completed to a high standard. We are confident that these students will remain on task and motivated over the upcoming weeks.

Schools are closed for good reason. Students please do not treat this time off as a holiday. For the safety of your families and vulnerable people in the community, including grandparents, please listen to the advice we are been given by the medical professionals to minimise social gatherings. Avoid meeting up in groups. If we all play our part over the next two weeks it will be worth it.

Stay safe and well. We are contactable via email should any students or parents/guardians have concerns.